Friday, April 13, 2007


Aight, it's off to explore the world!

Before moving on to uncharted waters, our friend (that's me, in the 3rd person, sounding all the more cool) has landed in Copenhagen, visiting his ol' buddy Anders Køber and his party-loving family; this is my third time visiting Køber in a year, the first being last summer when I was invited to Ditte's (Anders' girlfriend) mother's birthday, a garden party in lovely Roskilde. Last fall I was there a weekend and there was Anders' mother's birthday party one night and his brother's birthday party the following day. Today I'm going to Anders' grandpa's birthday and tomorrow Anders' father's new girlfriend's birthday. Phew.

I have some ideas about the reported diminishing Danish competitiveness. Moving on, I'll try to squeeze in my lovely cousin Nina (studying architecture in Copenhagen) inbetween the family business, and monday it's off to Atlanta where I'll hopefully be trying Couchsurfing (see for the first time, and get out alive. My friend Sveinung had considerable success with this concept last summer, getting to sleep on the couch of a beauty queen from Tel Aviv. As for myself, I stick with guys.

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